
Last week’s content you mentioned some cases you had suspected biotoxin illness and mentioned the biotoxin illness survey, visual contrast sensitivity test, and biomarkers for service testing. I know you said you weren’t going to go into this in detail in ADAPT but unfortunately, I seem to be attracting these types of cases already. I need to know how to screen or point them in the right direction. And there are no functional med doctors anywhere near me that would know the first thing about this. Can you briefly describe this and or let us have access to that biotoxin survey?

Chris Kresser:  Sure I’m totally open to you having access to the biotoxin survey. Maybe we can make a note...

We’re just starting to get comfortable interpreting DUTCH. Noticed something that was confusing. They provide age-specific ranges for select markers like testosterone, androgen, metabolites, and total DHEA. But the dial indicators of the patient do not reflect the age-specific ranges for the patient. As an example, 62-year-old male patient, total DHEA was 3,761, age-specific range is 1,000 to 2,500, but the arrow is in the middle range of the dial. Which range should you use?

Chris Kresser:  You should use the age-specific range. I’ve talked to Mark about this for a while. You know, they’ve...

I just heard about the CASI, C-A-S-I conference, Clinical and Scientifics Insights. Speakers include many from the functional medicine crowd. Have you ever attended this conference? Where does it fit in the landscape of functional medicine education?

Chris Kresser:  I never have attended that conference actually. It’s sponsored by Designs for Health and David Brady, I think...

Thoughts on vibration plates and mini trampolines?

Chris Kresser:  I haven’t looked into them in detail, but certainly based on what we know about lymphatic system and...

Chris is great at debunking medical myths. What are your thoughts on My Blood Analysis? I know this is regarded as fake medicine from the mainstream, and blood is highly controlled by the body, but is there any diagnostic or assessment value in My Blood Analysis?

Chris Kresser:  Not that I’ve seen. I say show me the research. I’ve never seen any research that supports it....

Is there any way to edit the handouts for our specific clinical needs? For instance, the case review handout has an outline of labs to order before seeing the patient in person which physicians are not able to do.

Chris Kresser:  That’s not actually true. We order labs all the time for patients whom we haven’t seen yet, and...

Have you had any experience if treating parasites can help improve sleep? Patient is a child with autism who wakes frequently throughout the night.

Dr. Amy Nett:  I don’t know that I’ve had anyone where we’re just treating a parasite specifically to help to...

I have a client who has PTSD from a dog attack three years ago. Nightmares are an issue. Wondering how she can get a good night’s sleep. She wakes up noticeably stressed. Anything specific you can suggest?

Dr. Amy Nett:  PTSD, I would think about doing some therapies like EMDR, which is eye movement desensitization and reprocessing....

Curious about what your thoughts are about if I was a C-section baby, but then my children were not. Will my lack of bacteria mean they would be set up for a disrupted gut even though they were not C-section?

Dr. Amy Nett:  Just because someone was a C-section baby that doesn’t necessarily mean long term that you’re always going...

What are your thoughts about elevated alpha-hydroxybutyrate as biomarker for insulin resistance? Mine came back elevated on the True Health panel

Chris Kresser: Do not trust it at all is my answer there. I see alpha-hydroxybutyrate elevated on nearly every patient...