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  4. Regarding the assessment of environmental toxins such as more volatile organic compounds pesticides and other chemicals like BPA, do you have any preferred lab companies that you use?

Regarding the assessment of environmental toxins such as more volatile organic compounds pesticides and other chemicals like BPA, do you have any preferred lab companies that you use?

Chris: Next question from Jessica, “Regarding the assessment of environmental toxins such as more volatile organic compounds pesticides and other chemicals like BPA, do you have any preferred lab companies that you use?”

This is just this webinar where I’m having to say something that I don’t like to say but is true, which is this: it’s beyond the scope of this course to go into a lot of detail here. Mold and CIRS, chronic inflammatory response syndrome, just like Lyme and coinfections, is a huge topic, very controversial, thorny. That will be included in the detox module that we do. We’ll go into detail about that and also heavy metal testing toxicity and treatment. I have a lot to say about that, but it’s very difficult to do that justice and just a brief answer on a webinar like this. I’ll say the Great Plains has an environmental toxin test where they include a whole bunch of environmental toxins like phthalates and organic compounds, persistent organic pollutants and bisphenol-A, and that’s a pretty comprehensive panel that we like to do. Mold testing is much more complex, but I will say I don’t believe that urine mycotoxin testing is a valid form of testing for mold and biotoxin-related illness. Let’s see, I think I have to stop there.

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