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  4. Please recommend the best specialists, websites, or programs in these areas: weight loss, anti-aging, trichology, and dermatology.

Please recommend the best specialists, websites, or programs in these areas: weight loss, anti-aging, trichology, and dermatology.

Chris Kresser: Okay, the next question is from Elizabetta, “Chris, thank you very much for your program.” You’re very welcome. “Please recommend the best specialists, websites, or programs in these areas: weight loss, anti-aging, trichology, and dermatology. If you don’t want to share publicly, send me an email.”

Those are big questions. I don’t know any particular websites for dermatology. Anti-aging is just a very broad topic that I think is—I would say a functional approach to anti-aging is different than what a group like A4M [American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine], which is kind of [an] anti-aging organization that trains physicians, takes. From a functional perspective, we just do all the things that we do to promote health span. Eating a nutrient-dense diet, reducing inflammation, identifying and addressing any underlying pathologies that are present. Making sure that we’re getting enough sleep or getting the right amount of exercise or managing stress, like, pretty much everything I cover in my first book, ​The Paleo Cure​, is what I suggest for anti-aging.

[For] weight loss, it really depends on the person, as we’ve discussed in this course. In many cases, if you take, kind of, the average American who’s overweight, sedentary, like a low-carb, higher-protein diet is what tends to work best, and then making sure physical activity and sleep are dialed in [is] really important, as well.

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