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  4. With regards to the daughter, she is making antibodies to most of the dairy proteins. Do you advise removing all dairy forever or would it be okay to consider reintroducing?

With regards to the daughter, she is making antibodies to most of the dairy proteins. Do you advise removing all dairy forever or would it be okay to consider reintroducing?

Dr. Amy Nett: Well, I think if you can find—I would do, as with other patients, do the gut testing. Look what could be triggering her immune system. If you feel like she has other issues that are potentially contributing to this like SIBO, dysbiosis, something like that, if you can treat those and then reintroduce dairy, I might repeat the test again for her. So, see what can you fix, how can you bring her immune system into better balance, where can you decrease inflammation. If you can make some positive changes, then repeat the test and/or consider that careful reintroduction diet.

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