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  4. Any thought on melatonin and autoimmune disease? Again, I see different ideas depending on the practitioner.
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  4. Any thought on melatonin and autoimmune disease? Again, I see different ideas depending on the practitioner.

Any thought on melatonin and autoimmune disease? Again, I see different ideas depending on the practitioner.

Dr. Amy Nett: Good question. I don’t know that I’ve seen any contraindications to using melatonin in patients with an autoimmune disease because I think that melatonin honestly is an anti-inflammatory. I’m not sure if you’re talking about high-dose melatonin or just using melatonin for sleep. I personally haven’t gotten into the use of high-dose melatonin, but in my autoimmune patients, I haven’t had to recommend anyone stop melatonin for sleep. A lot of my patients do better on lower doses like 0.75 mg, and I haven’t seen melatonin causing problems in my autoimmune patients. I’m not sure if you mean higher doses, but I think in general using melatonin for sleep in an autoimmune patient is still okay, but I haven’t used it as a primary treatment for the autoimmunity in case that’s what you’re asking.

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