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  4. Regarding the standard blood panel that we do, do we run a standard urinalysis on new patients through LabCorp as part of that case review panel?

Regarding the standard blood panel that we do, do we run a standard urinalysis on new patients through LabCorp as part of that case review panel?

Dr. Amy Nett:  So, great question. We actually used to. So when I first started working with Chris, we did include a urinalysis as part of that initial workup. So patients would go to LabCorp, they’d have their blood drawn and provide a urine sample as well. We actually stopped doing that. We weren’t finding them all that useful. Very few were coming back with significant findings. So we’ve stopped running the standard urinalysis. The only time we do sort of standard urinalysis right now is when we do … and that’s not even a standard urinalysis. But when we do that true health diagnostics panel, which I think Chris has talked about particularly in terms of the more advanced markers for blood sugar regulation, we use the THD panel that gives us advanced markers for both lipids and also for blood sugar regulation. Patients do do a urine sample there, but it’s a little bit more to look at blood sugar regulation, actually.

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