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  4. On patients with nonceliac, wheat intolerant to eliminate gluten for a while and then want to add back with the gluten digest tabs.

On patients with nonceliac, wheat intolerant to eliminate gluten for a while and then want to add back with the gluten digest tabs.

Chris: The gluten digest tabs are not really a free pass to eat gluten if you’re a gluten or wheat intolerant. They’re really more designed to help ameliorate the symptoms associated with accidental gluten exposure. It’s really important to make that clear to patients because if someone has gluten tolerance there are no enzymes that we know of that will completely mitigate the myriad effects that eating gluten will have. It’s more like sometimes you’re traveling, you get an accidental gluten exposure, and you’re going to have symptoms. These enzymes can really reduce the symptoms, so that’s I think the best way to use that kind of product.

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