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  4. How do you advise patients when Cyrex 3 cross react to foods they don’t eat like amaranth?

How do you advise patients when Cyrex 3 cross react to foods they don’t eat like amaranth?

Chris: That’s a really good question, and I’ve asked Cyrex that a few different times, and their response is basically that there may be some cross reactivity with the proteins that they see with amaranth, or gluten may actually trigger a response to amaranth that doesn’t involve them eating amaranth. In other words, it’s essentially a false positive, and if they’re not eating amaranth anyways, then it’s nothing to be concerned about. However, it’s worth noting that amaranth is in a lot of different gluten-free packaged foods such as gluten-free baking mixes, or sometimes crackers and stuff like that will often have amaranth in them. While few people might maybe actually cooking amaranth as a grain, they should definitely check labels and make sure that it’s not showing up in things that they’re eating in the package.

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