Chris Kresser: The answer is yes to both of those questions. We’ve seen objective markers change after successful treatment of these issues and we’ve also seen subjective improvements in tolerance of foods. And sometimes that can be quite dramatic and sometimes it’s more moderate. I think we talked a little bit about this when we were talking about SIBO and low-FODMAP diets. In some cases when SIBO is treated, we see a really significant and dramatic improvement in FODMAP tolerance where people can tolerate virtually all FODMAPs after that. And in other cases, we see more of a mild improvement where they’re still sensitive to some FODMAPs but not others even after the SIBO has been treated. In that case, there may be more of a kind of nervous system pattern that’s become entrenched that has to be dealt with or something that we don’t yet understand.
And with the Cyrex panels, it’s the same. In some cases, you see a big improvement both objectively and subjectively. In other patients the improvement is more mild or moderate, and there may be something else going on that needs to be addressed.