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  4. Elevated fasting blood sugar and pregnancy often occurs fairly early on in gestational diabetes, likely related to human placental oxygen enhancing insulin resistance. We often have to resort to insulin at bedtime to control the morning insulin. Is there anything specific you believe would work in pregnancy to avoid the use of insulin when diet fails?
  1. Home
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  3. Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
  4. Elevated fasting blood sugar and pregnancy often occurs fairly early on in gestational diabetes, likely related to human placental oxygen enhancing insulin resistance. We often have to resort to insulin at bedtime to control the morning insulin. Is there anything specific you believe would work in pregnancy to avoid the use of insulin when diet fails?

Elevated fasting blood sugar and pregnancy often occurs fairly early on in gestational diabetes, likely related to human placental oxygen enhancing insulin resistance. We often have to resort to insulin at bedtime to control the morning insulin. Is there anything specific you believe would work in pregnancy to avoid the use of insulin when diet fails?

Chris Kresser: That’s a really good question. Nothing comes to mind right off the top of my head because a lot of the things that I would use outside of pregnancy are not necessarily tested or safe to use during pregnancy. I’m assuming when you say diet has failed that you’ve tried like a lower-carb Paleo, version of Paleo in those circumstances which would be appropriate, not for everyone who’s pregnant but certainly for women who are dealing with gestational diabetes. It’s worth a try if you haven’t already.


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