Chris Kresser: Tough question. So much there and I don’t want to go down the rabbit hole here, but I don’t have a specific protocol or recommendation for this, Christian. But my approach if someone had a reaction like this would be to focus a lot on immune dysregulation, to look at mitochondrial function in particular because some of the research that we have that shows a higher likelihood for adverse events post-vaccine, shows that people with preexisting mitochondrial dysfunction are more likely to have these events and it stands to reason that when someone does have an event, their mitochondrial function may be further compromised.
And so doing some testing for mitochondrial function like looking at the lactate-pyruvate ratio and doing maybe an acylcarnitine profile looking at all carnitine, free carnitine, some other markers for mitochondrial function and then using things like CoQ10 and creatine monohydrate, that can be really helpful for mitochondrial function. L-carnitine in some cases, especially if free carnitines are low, those can all be really helpful. And then looking at, like I said, immune regulation and then also looking at methylation. I know that’s a lot of kind of vague information, but unfortunately, going into a lot of detail on either of those things would, that’s a future advanced course, I think is what I’m trying to say. But looking at the markers of mitochondrial function would be my starting point and then immune dysregulation, immune regulation, so optimizing vitamin D, optimizing glutathione status, maybe something like curcumin, autoimmune Paleo-type protocol type of diet would even be a good starting place as well.