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  4. As far as dandruff and work-ups, do I usually see a correlation with fungal issues? I was just curious if there was a strong indicator or have you seen other issues. Great article in regards to immune system. From experience working with these types of behaviors, what type of improvement have you seen? Can you give a case example?

As far as dandruff and work-ups, do I usually see a correlation with fungal issues? I was just curious if there was a strong indicator or have you seen other issues. Great article in regards to immune system. From experience working with these types of behaviors, what type of improvement have you seen? Can you give a case example?

Dr. Amy Nett:  Gosh, not always. Okay so two parts to this. So number one as far as dandruff, boy, I don’t think I do consistently see a correlation between fungus and dander, between like yeast overgrowth and dandruff. I would say there might often be one. I have also seen it in patients with nutrient deficiencies and I think sometimes patients with less fat in their diet, like sometimes just getting patients on cod liver oil, making sure they’re getting enough vitamin D, eating enough fat in their diet, I’ve seen that improving skin and dandruff. Other issues with dandruff. I’m trying to think. One patient we had it clear up after treating heavy metals. That’s an N equals one and sometimes it’s associated with yeast or I’ve actually seen it in association with SIBO also.


So I don’t know that it’s a strong indicator of fungal overgrowth. I wish it was. We could say, oh, dandruff, great save your money and you don’t have to do the testing. But I don’t think there’s a strong enough correlation to predict. But I wish it was. And so then the other question is about the immune system and the relationship with autism spectrum disorder and behavior. And then asking in my experience working with these types of behaviors what type of improvements have you seen? So I haven’t worked with a lot of patients with autism. Probably four, four or five. So pretty small sampling. And in those patients, so they’ve, I want to say all of them, boys from the range of, I want to say the youngest was two or three, maybe three. And oldest maybe seven or nine.


The biggest change I’ve seen has actually been with diet and then with the antimicrobial protocol, and we’ve seen a lot of changes in ability to focus. So being able to sit still a little bit longer in class and significant decrease in aggressive behavior. One of the boys in particular, he was pretty aggressive, and then he was so sensitive to the herbal antimicrobial protocol, this was one of these like six months to just get up to like eight Lauricidin pellets kind of thing, because he would, his behavior would worsen every time the parents tried to increase the dose too quickly. So it was just really slow progress. But he became much less aggressive. So I think the, and I think you’re talking about the blog post article that went out this week, and it’s sort of interesting. I think the relationship between the immune system and behavior, I don’t know that we know enough to say how much direct correlation there could be. But I think it definitely tells us that there’s probably a u-shaped curve and when our immune system is either way too underactive, way too overactive, it’s absolutely going to affect our behavior and how much that’s affected by the individual causes.


Like for example just treating the gut sometimes, you can really bring kids to almost normal in terms of development and their ability to tolerate school, social interactions, that sort of thing. But again, my experience is something like four kids, so I don’t have a lot of experience there.


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