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  4. A patient is on AIP because of IBD and Hashimoto’s. Because of Lyme, she has taken several Beyond Balance supplements, and some of them contain seeds or seed oil. Should we try to find alternatives to those because of the seeds?

A patient is on AIP because of IBD and Hashimoto’s. Because of Lyme, she has taken several Beyond Balance supplements, and some of them contain seeds or seed oil. Should we try to find alternatives to those because of the seeds?

Dr. Amy Nett: I don’t know that the—so, I’m guessing you’re saying that you’re concerned about the omega-6 fatty acids? I mean, I wouldn’t think that in the amount she is taking that the omega-6s are going to be particularly harmful. Oh, you’re saying because they contain compounds of seeds, and seeds are on the AIP diet. Again, the AIP diet, it’s not that there is necessarily research that is saying seeds are universally bad for people with autoimmune conditions. The question might be what seeds does she have a negative reaction to? So, AIP again, it’s based a little bit more on sort of anecdotal data, I believe, and just in general what might be a little bit more inflammatory. I think Beyond Balance generally has some pretty good products, and if she seems to be responding well to them, I don’t think that just because something contains seed or seed oils you necessarily need to change. It’s probably going to be a relatively lower dose. Yeah, it’s the conflict. Sorry. Daljeet confirmed it’s the conflict of seeds in the AIP. Yeah. You could even test her. Does she get worse with seeds and that sort of thing? I don’t know that you need to, but, if she seems to be responding well to the Beyond Balance supplements, I think they are generally a pretty good brand, and I don’t think you need to change.


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