Biofilm: What It Is and How to Treat It
Do you have patients with infections that subside for awhile but then reappear? Bacterial and fungal biofilms might be to blame. Read on to learn about biofilms and how to treat them.
Most Bacteria Are Present in Biofilms, Not as Single-Acting Cells
The popular image of bacteria depicts single cells floating around, releasing toxins and damaging the host. However, most bacteria do not exist in this planktonic form in the human body, but rather in sessile communities called biofilms. To form a biofilm, bacteria first adhere to a surface and then generate a polysaccharide matrix that also sequesters calcium, magnesium, iron, or whatever minerals are available.
Within a biofilm, one or more types of bacteria and/or fungi share nutrients and DNA and undergo changes to evade the immune system. Since it requires less oxygen and fewer nutrients and alters the pH at the core, the biofilm is a hostile community for most antibiotics. In addition, the biofilm forms a physical barrier that keeps most immune cells from detecting the pathogenic bacteria (1, 2).
The Current Model of Care Misses the Mark
The current model of care usually assumes acute infections caused by planktonic bacteria. However, since the vast majority of bacteria are hidden in biofilms, healthcare providers are treating most illnesses ineffectively. According to the NIH, more than 80 percent of human bacterial infections are associated with bacterial biofilm (3). While planktonic bacteria can become antibiotic resistant through gene mutations, a biofilm is often antibiotic resistant for many reasons—physical, chemical, and genetic. Treating illnesses associated with biofilms using antibiotics is an uphill battle. For example, in patients suffering from IBD, antibiotics appear initially to work, only to be followed by a “rebound,” where the symptoms again flare up, presumably due to bacteria evading the antibiotic within a biofilm (4).
According to the NIH, more than 80% of human bacterial infections are associated with biofilms.
Biofilms Are Hidden in the Nasal Passageways and GI Tract
Biofilms are well-known problems associated with endoscopic procedures, vascular grafts, medical implants, dental prosthetics, and severe dermal wounds. Biofilms found along the epithelial lining of the nasal passageways and GI tract are less understood.
The GI tract is an ideal environment for bacteria, fungi, and associated biofilms because of its huge surface area and constant influx of nutrients (4). For protection, the GI epithelium is lined with viscoelastic mucus, but it can be damaged in patients with excessive inflammation, IBD, and other conditions. This creates an opportunity for bacteria to attach to the surface and begin their biofilm construction. The epithelium to which it is attached is altered and often damaged (5, 6).
Biofilms Are Difficult to Diagnose
A number of problems make biofilms difficult to detect.
- First, bacteria within the biofilm are tucked away in the matrix. Therefore, swabs and cultures often show up negative. Stool samples usually do not contain the biofilm bacteria, either.
- Second, biofilm samples within the GI tract are difficult to obtain. The procedure would require an invasive endoscope and foreknowledge of where the biofilm is located. What’s more, no current procedure to remove biofilm from the lining of the GI tract exists.
- Third, biofilm bacteria are not easily cultured. Therefore, even if you are able to obtain a sample, it may again test negative because of the microbes’ adapted lower nutrient requirements, rendering normal culture techniques null (7).
- Fourth, biofilms might also play a role in the healthy gut, making it difficult to distinguish between pathogenic and healthy communities (4, 7).
Although a culture might come back negative, the microbes in a biofilm could still be pumping out toxins that cause illness. Some clinicians look for mycotoxins in the urine to identify biofilms (8), but I am not impressed by the research behind it yet. Because the bacteria sequester minerals from the host, mineral deficiency is probably associated with the presence of biofilms, although mineral deficiencies are all too common in the general population to use this alone as a diagnostic criterion.
Biofilms in the Background of Many Diseases
The medical community is increasingly dealing with antibacterial-resistant infections, with evidence of a biofilm at work behind the scenes:
- Up to one-third of patients with strep throat, often caused by pyogenes, do not respond to antibiotics (9). In one study, all 99 strep throat-causing bacterial isolates formed biofilms (9).
- Ten to 20 percent of people infected with Lyme disease, caused by burgdorferi, have prolonged symptoms, possibly due to antibiotic resistance and/or biofilm presence (10, 11).
- Lupus flare-ups are induced by infection, inflammation, or trauma. In this autoimmune disease, cell death by NETosis instead of apoptosis turns the immune system against itself (12). Biofilms are suspected to be involved (13).
- For chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), “topical antibacterial or antifungal agents have shown no benefit over placebo in random controlled trials” (14). Bacterial and fungal biofilms are consistently found in these patients’ nasal passageways (14, 15).
- Antibiotic treatment of irritable bowel disease (IBD) can work for a time, but flare-ups generally continue throughout a person’s life. Biofilms have been linked to both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (16, 17, 18).
Biofilms have also been implicated in chronic ear infections, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and acid reflux (4, 19, 20).
Is there a Link between Autism and Biofilms?
Peta Cohen, a pioneer in treating autism with a biomedical and nutritional approach, has found evidence of biofilms in autistic patients. When she disrupts the biofilm in these patients, she sees a huge “offload” of heavy metals in the urine and stool. Autistic individuals often have elevated mercury and lead levels (21). Bacteria aren’t choosy about which minerals they sequester during biofilm construction, and so Dr. Cohen’s explanation is that these patients also suffer from GI biofilms loaded with mercury and other heavy metals. Her experiences are as of yet only anecdotal; a PubMed search for “autism and biofilm” yields zero results. Check out my podcast here for what I believe are underlying causes of autism.
How to Treat Biofilms
Antibiotic after antibiotic for IBD. Corticosteroids for CRS. If a biofilm is at work, these standard “treatments” aren’t curing anything. Clinicians instead need to break down the biofilm, attack the pathogenic bacteria within, and mop up the leftover matrix, DNA, and minerals.
Biofilm disruptors are the first course of action. Enzymes such as nattokinase and lumbrokinase have been used extensively as coatings on implants to fight biofilms (22, 23). Cohen’s protocol recommends half a 50mg capsule of nattokinase and half of a 20mg capsule of lumbrokinase for small children with chronic strep throat and autism. Other promising enzymes include proteases, plasmin, and streptokinase (24).
Mucolytic enzyme N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a precursor of glutathione and an antioxidant. Effective against biofilms on prosthetic devices, in vitro biofilms, and chronic respiratory infections (25, 26, 27, 28), NAC is recognized as a “powerful molecule” against biofilms (29).
Lauricidin (other forms: monolaurin, lauric acid, and glycerol monolaurate) is a natural surfactant found in coconut oil that helps inhibit the development of biofilms (30). In my practice, I also use it as an option for a gentler antimicrobial agent.
Colloidal silver is effective at treating topical biofilms, such as in wound dressings (31, 32). Applications in vivo are still under research. Although used successfully to treat a sheep model of bacterial sinusitis (33), colloidal silver did not show the same effectiveness in a small human trial (34, 35).
I recommend Klaire Labs InterFase Plus and Kirkman Biofilm Defense, two commercial products formulated to effectively disrupt biofilm.
Antimicrobial treatments follow biofilm disruptors. When necessary, I do use pharmaceutical antibiotics, but mixtures of herbal antimicrobials can be effective:
- berberine
- artemisinin
- citrus seed extract
- black walnut hulls
- Artemisia herb
- echinacea
- goldenseal
- gentian
- fumitory
- galbanum oil
- oregano oil
If you are a practitioner and are willing to dive deep into biofilm treatments and treatments of other complex diseases you might want to consider the ADAPT Practitioner Training Program. This 12-month comprehensive program teaches you the core basis of functional medicine and gives you a framework of tools that can help patients with chronic diseases live a happier and more fulfilling life.
Once the biofilm is destabilized and microbes are treated, binders help clean up the mess. EDTA disrupts biofilms and also chelates minerals in the matrix (36, 37). Chitosan and citrus pectin are two other options.
I can’t stress enough how important probiotics and prebiotics are in healing the gut and maintaining a healthy GI tract. Probiotics reduce pathogenic bacteria and have even been shown to disrupt the growth, adhesion, and activity of biofilms (38, 39). I recommend Primal Probiotics and Prebiogen or potato starch for prebiotics.
Hopefully the medical community will soon recognize biofilms as factors in many diseases and properly treat recalcitrant infections and illnesses.
Hi Chris, I highly appreciate that you address biofilms. The above certainly helps to eradicate them. But how long will that eradication last? And what will grow in place of the eradiated biofilms? I wish you could elaborate on your actual clinical results such as for example treating gut problems and their recurrence.
I like very much your general approach of treating root causes, which, however, I miss here… I hope you can accept me commenting on this :). So, why did those biofilms grow in there in the first place?
– alpha-MSH is our natural defense against biofilms:
May be the affected people have low levels of alpha-MSH? Did you measure this in patients? Do the blood levels relate to levels in the gut attacking the biofilms?
– Or, salicylates encourage biofilm growth:
Probably salicylate-rich food does the same. Did the patients with biofilms in the gut eat too much sals?
– The big question is, what else predisposes a person eating a healthy diet to biofilm growth?
Then, I would like to read about even more natural long-term strategies about keeping biofilms at bay. First ideas:
– Maybe eating natto, the source of nattokinase, helps. I am not aware of studies of natto and gut biofilms, but at least natto safety is established by traditional consumption since millenia.
– Sunshine increases alpha-MSH. I am not sure if the alpha-MSH in the blood is also the one that fights biofilms in the nose and the gut, or is it secreted there separately for that purpose?
– You mention probiotics. Does not washing veggies too vigorously lead to a therapeutically effective amount of soil based organisms? Are they effective against biofilms?
I would highly appreciate your esteemed opinion here or even kindly invite you to post an article on “we are ment to be free of pathogenic biofilms”
PS: Aren’t large amounts of nattokinase & co as used in pills you recommend also destroying healthy biofilms? Healthy gut bacteria do live in biofilms, too! Isn’t your treatment potentially dangerous?
HCL for upper biofilms and allicidin, the active fraction of garlic works for the lower gi tract. Hyssinol works well along side HCl in chronic sinus issues. Infections in the mouth need to be cleared, as well as any interference fields in the head mouth neck area. Supplements from Premier Research Labs. You can test for biofilms using Quantum Reflex Analysis and special vials from life works potentials out of England. Frequency medicine using biocom can also be helpful in breaking down biofuels and addressing infections.
Please could you let me know if I’m doing the right thing regarding a very antibiotic resistant Uti? I’m taking hiprex and vitamin, with D-mannose and interfase plus as I read about biofilm? An think this is what I have going on in my urinery tract? I can’t seem to get any advice from my urologist? An my GP is doing his best! I would like to know if I’m doing the right thing? An if you have any other ideas on how to treat this? Thank you
Klaire labs interfase plus already contains EDTA, so is it necessary to use EDTA again as a third step?
Thank you!
Thank you for this great article, telling it like it is. I discovered my biofilm problem in 2014 while treating a parasite infection. Coffee enemas were the main tool of elimination. Not knowing what this ugly thing was, I took to the internet and pictures revealed that it was ropeworm, So thats what I called it for two years. I then discovered the medical community referring to it as biofilm, which makes sense to me, but most articles were suger coating this infection. I have successfully eliminated approximately 1000 feet of biofilm in 3 and a half years, it is my experience that you would definately want to eliminate these toxic matrixes whole if possible and not have them break up inside of you. Once they are disrupted they can make you feel ill until they are expelled. At times I felt there would never be an end, but there is an end, although I stay on strict maintenance because I think they grow back quickly. I will never be as sick as I was as these biofilms had been growing a long time, maybe decades. The lower colon ones were very well established, thick and rubbery , I felt tremendous physical relief when they exited, always with enemas. Primarily organic coffee enemas, but followed by a lemon water or apple cidar vinegar and water enema, very effective, It is a war for your health and they need to be out. My health has improved tremendously but I have learned so much about how we should be detoxing our bodies all the time and I always will. It could be my breast implants that has caused me all this grief and my next journey is to have them removed. Thanks for letting me share and please ask me any questions you might have, I’ve been through it all. Happy to share my knowledge as I know how awful it was to stumble through the dark, knowing I was sick but really zero help from doctors, what a sin
What protocol did I you use to get started. Can’t do enemas have pile and other problem. I would like to be in your shoe but don’t know how to starts
Hi, i have recently been diagnosed with SIBO. I requested the test after years of frustration and medical test, labs et cetera. My current GI gave me xiflxon, but nothing more. I doubt it will be effective without trating it with neomycin and diflucan and have already purchased itegrative plus. How do i take the biofilm med with the antibiotics? Together or the biofilm initially. I would like yo be agressive for the first round of treatment and then switch over to a natural protocol with antimicobacterials, teas, pre and probitoics; in conjuction with tbe fodmap and gaps diet. I dont want a reaccurance, but feel my GI is out of the loop and i have had several GI docs. It is difficult to treat solo and without the gudance of an expwrt in SIBO…
Im a little late on this thread but has anybody here used Biosolve PA on their biofilms ? Chris have you used it in your practice? Thanks all for any insight
I have suffered from recurrent diarrhea that LITERALLY swims and pulses in the toilet, bloating, gas, weight gain, diabetes with gastroparesis, weird rash on arms. I am assuming I have SIBO and started taking DE and monolaurin. I take probiotics with 50 bil cfu and S. boulardii. Today I had the worst diarrhea to date (foaming and swimming) and am now feverish too. I couldn’t take it any more so my doc prescribed Cipro and Flagyl. I have Kirkman Biofilm defense coming in from Amazon next week (I am in remote village in AK). Should/can I take them together?
Hello good doctors. I have treated my chronic nose sores with Medicated Chapstick applied in a thick layer inside the nose. For years I have tried every herbal remedy I could find on the internet and every single lip balm I could find. The medicated chapstick breaks down the stubborn seal (yellow/green sometimes leathery, sometimes less rigid) on these nose sores overnight. Simply amazing results, and a q-tip cleans out the debris completely the next morning with ease. What a relief. All other lip balms, ointments increased the pain and discomfort/irritation exponentially and seemed to strengthen the scabs tremendously. If there is an abscess the chapstick seems to draw out what is under the skin and I can just remove the discharge easily. Could one of you look into the ingredients and determine if the chapstick is breaking down the biofilm, perhaps, and if this is the reason it has been so effective for me? I am simply amazed at the results I achieve and nothing else has helped me with this pervasive, painful problem.
So what is the suggested protocol for disrupting the biofilm? Take the biofilm disruptor product first for a month and THEN take an antifungal the following month? oR can you take a biofilm disruptor an hour before your antifungals?