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Would you test kids on the DUTCH adrenals for cortisol?

Dr. Amy Nett:  I haven’t and I think one time I had, I think twice I’ve had moms who wanted me to run a DUTCH profile for hormones in like seven- or nine-year-olds because of signs of early puberty. And they were not excited at Precision Labs. I think I got a phone call about that. That they don’t have pediatric reference ranges and so interpretation is going to be a little bit more difficult. So I haven’t run a cortisol test in a kid yet. I imagine there’s certainly a time and a place for it. But I don’t know. I mean kids have different stresses than we do and kids tend to recover, I mean they tend to, yeah, tend to recover a lot better. So most of the work I’ve done with kids has been gut issues. Even in metal, I haven’t done much in the way of metal detox with kids. So I feel like treating children is not just treating little adults and similar to conventional medicine, you have pediatricians who do pretty unique training and so there’s a lot of things that I don’t think I have good answers for in terms of converting how we treat adults to how we would mirror that in children or how we could apply that to children.


So I think you know eventually it would be nice as functional medicine grows if we have functional pediatric medicine. Because it really is somewhat of a specialty in and of itself and I don’t think you can just cut doses of what you do for adults and apply it in kids, especially with the developing hormones and development of tissues, that sort of thing. So it’s definitely a great direction to go in the future and we’re just not quite there.


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