Tracey O’Shea: Okay, and then the next question is “What’s your view on colon hydrotherapy? Would it be beneficial during an AM protocol?”
I think that this is kind of one of those therapies that we have a question mark around. There are different camps of people who feel that it’s the [be-all and end-all] and it really can make this huge difference. I’m kind of in the place of I like to try to not have too many variables going on when we’re doing protocols, and I think that I would be a little bit more resistant to adding the colon hydrotherapy if I’m in the middle of a protocol. I think there’s also some concern with, you’re trying to kill off these bad bacteria, [and] we’re also trying to replenish at some point, and so I think there’s always the concern of hydrotherapy kind of changing the ecosystem of that small little area that’s being treated. So that’s always my concern, is causing a change in the ecosystem and then milieu of the colon, especially when you’re trying to drive a certain goal with the antimicrobial protocol. So my take is I would not do it. We don’t recommend it to patients and we don’t encourage it to be done. We have had some patients [where] that’s their thing and they have found it to be very successful, and in that case, I’m not chastising anyone for it. So, at this point, I don’t recommend it, especially during an AM protocol, because we really have specific goals and I think that there may be other ways for us to try to help peristaltic activity, and if constipation is the reason, then there are some other things and some other recommendations that we might have, so that’s my take on it. There are probably different camps for this, like I said, and I haven’t really dived into the research on it, either, so this is more just a personal opinion.