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  4. What would you consider four recommendations and/or underlying causes of a free T3 at 9.1? All of the thyroid markers are within normal limits.

What would you consider four recommendations and/or underlying causes of a free T3 at 9.1? All of the thyroid markers are within normal limits.

Amy Nett: Next question: Kyle asks, “What would you consider four recommendations and/or underlying causes of a free T3 at 9.1? All of the thyroid markers are within normal limits.”

First of all, I would repeat that [test]. That only came up once, and that value doesn’t make sense to me. Free T3, we’re generally looking, I mean, I assume you’re talking about kind of a standard lab where we’re looking for a free T3 to be somewhere around 2.5 to 3.5. If it comes back at 9.1, I think that’s either a lab error, or [the patient] took their thyroid medication immediately before the lab draw. If the TSH [thyroid-stimulating hormone] is normal, then it’s hard to understand how the free T3 could actually be 9.1. First and foremost, you need to repeat that [test] because I’ve never seen a free T3 high when a patient’s not over-supplementing their thyroid medication.

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