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  4. Thoughts on our case review prescription. Gut support, GAPS Level 1 with ox bile enzymes, phosphatidylcholine butyrate, probiotics, dairy kefir, and kraut juice.

Thoughts on our case review prescription. Gut support, GAPS Level 1 with ox bile enzymes, phosphatidylcholine butyrate, probiotics, dairy kefir, and kraut juice.

Chris Kresser:  I would be very cautious with the dairy kefir. Natasha Campbell-McBride approaches that differently in different people. When I worked with her way back in the day when I was still sick, she actually recommended one teaspoon of dairy kefir with me even during the GAPS intro, but of course you probably know that in most cases they recommend no dairy at all during that phase. So you can go either way. If you want to be more conservative you could eliminate it, if you want to be a little, if he thinks he doesn’t respond to dairy, then you could try a small amount of dairy kefir.

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