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  4. This question is related to pancreatitis and SIBO correlation. Which do we assume comes first? Is it safe to treat the SIBO given the pancreatitis history?

This question is related to pancreatitis and SIBO correlation. Which do we assume comes first? Is it safe to treat the SIBO given the pancreatitis history?

Chris Kresser: Yeah, it’s a good question. We don’t know for sure which comes first. But as I mentioned before, it’s plausible at least that the pancreatitis came first and then led to SIBO because of inadequate digestion of foods in the small intestine. But it’s also possible that SIBO could cause or contribute to pancreatitis. I’m not sure if there have been perspective studies that give us insight into which comes first. I haven’t seen any. But I think it’s still safe to treat SIBO if it’s present and could help the patient feel better. And in fact I believe rifaximin is sometimes used in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. I’m not sure, I’ll have to look into that. But I think I remember reading that in an article somewhere.


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