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  4. Do you think with kids and neurological issues, is it ever appropriate to do the DUTCH test or use CBD oil or any of the HPA treatments? I know that pursuit isn’t analytical, doesn’t have ranges for kids, but it seems to make sense to explore HPA-D with this population.
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  3. HPA Axis
  4. Do you think with kids and neurological issues, is it ever appropriate to do the DUTCH test or use CBD oil or any of the HPA treatments? I know that pursuit isn’t analytical, doesn’t have ranges for kids, but it seems to make sense to explore HPA-D with this population.

Do you think with kids and neurological issues, is it ever appropriate to do the DUTCH test or use CBD oil or any of the HPA treatments? I know that pursuit isn’t analytical, doesn’t have ranges for kids, but it seems to make sense to explore HPA-D with this population.

Chris Kresser:  I completely agree, Laura. I think that population is one of the most affected by HPA axis dysregulation, especially teenagers now. So and I think CBD oil, you may know this, it sounds like you’re familiar with it, but it’s been an absolute lifesaving treatment for some kids with severe epilepsy compared to some of the antiepileptic drugs, which just have horrible side effects and can really decrease quality of life for these poor kids and their parents for that matter. So I wouldn’t hesitate to use it in a situation like that where the symptoms are really severe. The less severe the symptoms are, the more I would hesitate just because there’s some, still some unknowns about it I think, particularly in kids. And I would try to use either diet and lifestyle things above all else first, most kids respond really well to meditation in my experience. It’s amazing to see that the effects that meditation can have in that population. So I’m a big believer in introducing kids to meditation. Biofeedback can be really helpful, especially there’s some good game-based biofeedback programs now and then.

Certainly I wouldn’t hesitate to use adaptogens and lower doses with kids and some of the other HPA protocols. I mean generally with kids, depending on the age, you just want to cut the doses significantly. If the kid was seven, eight, nine, ten years old I’d probably give them half or one-third or a quarter of the dose, adult dose depending on weight. Teenagers can probably take closer to the adult doses or less depending on where they are in their teens. But yeah I would definitely use that stuff.

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