Tracey O’Shea: Alright, and then the next question, the last one for the presubmitted questions, is about MegaSporeBiotic, so the question is “Is it an endospore former and is it a synbiotic?”
So I’m going to answer this to the best of my ability because I’m not an expert on the MegaSporeBiotic and the spore-forming probiotics, but it’s my understanding that this is an endospore because Bacillus species probiotics, that’s, like, their thing, is that they are able to do, like, an endospore kind of encapsulation that in research or that they explain is able to be highly resistant against stomach acid and then, therefore, make it down to the small intestine and large intestine, which is the goal for the probiotics, so it’s my understanding that it is an endospore former. You might have to double-check me on that, and then the second question was is it a symbiotic? I’m thinking that you mean symbiotic. There’s also a synbiotic with an N instead of M, so I’m not sure if this is a typo or if it’s meant to be symbiotic with an M. The symbiotic, in my understanding, also is that these are probiotics that actually produce certain, like, low-molecular-weight enzymes and that they mediate [the] immune system and that they’re beneficial and kind of have the symbiotic relationship with the gut. That’s also my understanding that MegaSporeBiotic is with these spore-producing strains. I’m not sure if this was meant to be synbiotic with an N, then it’s not, because a synbiotic would be the combination of a probiotic and a prebiotic, which is kind of these newer-generation probiotics like Seed that are synbiotics with an N because they contain both probiotic and prebiotic, so I hope that answered your question on the MegaSporeBiotic. Again, I’m not 100 percent sure about those answers, but I think they’ve also been really good if you message them and email them as a practitioner. MegaSporeBiotic has been great about answering my questions when I sent [them] to them directly, so you could always double-check my information and send them a question through the website and see if you can get that answered there.