Chris Kresser: A lot of people get a really thick white coat on the tongue with an elemental diet. It could just be local fungal overgrowth in the mouth because the elemental diet is just full of super simple monosaccharides, glucose, or dextrose and tapioca dextrin or something like that. That’s a sugar basically, so if all the patient is eating is that all throughout the day, then it makes sense to me that you could get an oral thrush situation. That happen to me when I did the elemental diet. It has happened to almost every patient that I’ve seen. I wonder if the skin rashes are related to that. It’s not clear whether they’re worse or discontinued, but if you have re-test for SIBO and the SIBO is now clear, you might consider a core antimicrobial protocol as a way of dealing with any fungal overgrowth that might have occurred during the elemental diet or that was pre-existing that the elemental diet exacerbated.