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  4. It’s a practice management question. QuickBooks—why do you have to use their payment processing instead of Stripe on MD HQ. I have a merchant account with a great DL I use in Office, and any distance payments are made through MD HQ. I don’t understand why you’d have to use QuickBooks to process payments when MD HQ creates invoices that patients can pay securely.

It’s a practice management question. QuickBooks—why do you have to use their payment processing instead of Stripe on MD HQ. I have a merchant account with a great DL I use in Office, and any distance payments are made through MD HQ. I don’t understand why you’d have to use QuickBooks to process payments when MD HQ creates invoices that patients can pay securely.

Chris Kresser:  We have switched over to using MD HQ. The advantage to using QuickBooks was that everything was in QuickBooks and we have a large practice, a lot of bookkeeping and accounting, and the value of having everything in QuickBooks easily without having to export reports of transactions from MD HQ and import them into QuickBooks was a big benefit. But there were some downsides to doing it that way. And at some point the downsides began to outweigh the benefits. So now we just use the built-in MD HQ payment system.

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