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  4. In a client who has Helicobacter pylori and dysbiosis, it was being treated with a botanical protocol plus the H. pylori add-ons, which, as you guys all remember, that’s Broccomax, Saccharomyces boulardii, GastroMend, and then we also often recommend unsweetened cranberry juice if the patients tolerate. So the patient had to build up the particle really slowly in order to control her symptoms. After about eight weeks in total of taking the supplements around three weeks would the almost complete protocol. So she stopped the treatment, she got much better. So what would we recommend that she does next?

In a client who has Helicobacter pylori and dysbiosis, it was being treated with a botanical protocol plus the H. pylori add-ons, which, as you guys all remember, that’s Broccomax, Saccharomyces boulardii, GastroMend, and then we also often recommend unsweetened cranberry juice if the patients tolerate. So the patient had to build up the particle really slowly in order to control her symptoms. After about eight weeks in total of taking the supplements around three weeks would the almost complete protocol. So she stopped the treatment, she got much better. So what would we recommend that she does next?

Dr. Amy Nett:  Okay, so she did about, let’s see, three weeks of full dose with five weeks building up. I would probably have her go back on the protocol. You can have her build up potentially a little bit more quickly if she can tolerate it. When patients for whatever reason stop a protocol, whether it’s because I ask them to stop a protocol for a short time so we can retest, or something like this happens where there are symptoms, the question is, could the supplements be contributing to something like that? What I generally tell patients is build up again just as you did before, but do it to tolerance and you may be able to do it more quickly.

So depending on the degree of dysbiosis, if you we’re going to do a 60-day treatment protocol and she did 21 days at the full dose plus these eight weeks building up, I would bring her back on that protocol. Have her build up but probably do about another 30 to 40 days total, including the time it takes her to build up. That’s a little bit arbitrary. I mean I’m kind of just trying to ballpark. I don’t know exactly what that eight-week build-up period looked like and when she got on the GI-Synergy and that sort of thing. So ballpark I would say probably another 30 to 45 days on the supplements. Then you’ll stop them for four weeks and then you’ll follow up on the H. pylori testing and dysbiosis testing and some stool testing. Okay, great question. It happens a lot. Life gets in the way of our treatment plans.

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