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  4. I’m not able to order the lactose SIBO breath test from NCNM because I don’t have prescribing authority under my chiropractic license. Do you have a preferred backup test? My only other choice would be to find an MD to co-prescribe with me, but I don’t currently have a relationship with an MD that would make that possible.

I’m not able to order the lactose SIBO breath test from NCNM because I don’t have prescribing authority under my chiropractic license. Do you have a preferred backup test? My only other choice would be to find an MD to co-prescribe with me, but I don’t currently have a relationship with an MD that would make that possible.

Amy Nett: We have actually switched to using Genova. When the course content was put together, we were using the NUNM or NCNM SIBO breath test. We’ve actually since switched to Genova largely because they have a faster turnaround time. They’re using the newest consensus guidelines in terms of when they indicate positive or negative on the actual test results, so we find that helpful. I think Genova right now is actually our preferred test, so that works out well.

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