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  4. I’m confused about facetious hyperthyroidism presentations because it seems like it can present in a variety of different fashions. For example, there’s been discussion that these patients can have low or low-normal TSH with normal T3 and T4. One elevated and one normal or low or both T3 and T4 high.

I’m confused about facetious hyperthyroidism presentations because it seems like it can present in a variety of different fashions. For example, there’s been discussion that these patients can have low or low-normal TSH with normal T3 and T4. One elevated and one normal or low or both T3 and T4 high.

Dr. Amy Nett:  So normally, facetious type of hyperthyroidism you see a suppression of T4. So facetious hyperthyroidism most often, you have a lower, low-normal TSH with high T3 and low T4. That’s the most common presentation of facetious hyperthyroidism. And I think we talked about that in week 38 a little bit more. So there’s a little bit more information there that’s still confusing. But look mostly for a low, low-normal TSH and suppression, complete suppression of T4 being most common.

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