Dr. Amy Nett: There are going to be some markers on the stool test specifically looking at inflammation and immune response. Those are not going to be accurate. The SIBO breath test, I mean, if somebody is chronically taking Cortef, you’re still going to know what their microbial makeup looks like. If they’re going to be doing a taper, wait until they taper because, again, we’re saying that medications and diet change the makeup of the microbiome. If someone is chronically on Cortef and you want to do SIBO testing and stool testing, you can. It might not be worth doing the CSAPx3 because, again, the markers for SIgA, lysozyme, calprotectin, lactoferrin—those are not going to be as useful because you’re going to be having some immune suppression, but you could still look at whether or not they have parasites, dysbiosis, yeast overgrowth, but of course, the Cortef will affect the microbiome, and if you know that they’re going to be coming off of it, then just wait for them to get off. Taper and give them a little bit of time to recover. Hopefully that answers your question.