Chris Kresser: Sandy said, “I just got on board on Doctor’s Data. I’m curious what your thoughts are on the iodine tests pre-/post-loading after reading your thyroid eBook. Also, do you like the cardiometabolic risk test on people and [the] metals test, as well?”
I don’t think the iodine pre- and post-loading testing is accurate at this point. We’ve done a ton of research on that and ___ [20:33] evidence is there. The cardiometabolic research test is pretty good. There are a bunch of options. We were using True Health Diagnostics, which was much better, but they went bankrupt, so now we’re creating a panel with Boston Heart that we’re going to order, and they do a better job of getting insurance coverage, and we like that. We don’t use fecal metals. We order either the Quicksilver blood metals power or Tri-Test for mercury, and we also do pre-/post-provocation urine metals test through Doctor’s Data.