Chris Kresser: Next from Liz, “How does one wear blue [light] blockers if they wear prescription glasses? [I’m] asking for a friend.”
These are the orange-tinted glasses that I have talked about in terms of reducing exposure to blue light at night. My wife actually has reading glasses and she has tinted glasses that she wears over the reading glasses at night. You might be able to find some of those on Amazon. Gunnar is a company that makes glasses for gamers or people who use the computer a lot, graphic designers, etc. You can actually order prescription glasses from them with various levels of tinting, depending on your usage, and they might also have larger frames that sit over glasses if that’s the direction you want to go. That’s That’s a good option. They’re a little more expensive than the ones you find on Amazon, but they’re really much higher quality typically and they’re tested, so you know you’re getting blue light blocking capability.