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  3. From my understanding, natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) has 150 mcg of iodine. For those patients on such replacement, do you still advocate additional iodine or ​___ [2:20]​ food sources?

From my understanding, natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) has 150 mcg of iodine. For those patients on such replacement, do you still advocate additional iodine or ​___ [2:20]​ food sources?

Chris Kresser: Next question from Helen, “From my understanding, natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) has 150 mcg of iodine. For those patients on such replacement, do you still advocate additional iodine or ​___ [2:20]​ food sources?”

It depends on the form of NDT that’s taken. Definitely, not all NDTs contain iodine. Dosage of iodine very much depends on [the] clinical situation. Even in people with autoimmune disease, as I said in the course content, most people tolerate moderate doses of up to maybe 800 mcg. If you get above that dose, you start to increase the risk of an adverse reaction and [a] very small minority, I would say less than 3 percent of patients I have treated over the years with autoimmune disease, cannot even tolerate that amount of iodine. Almost always, that’s because of a selenium deficiency. If we fix that, they can usually tolerate that amount of iodine,


but [an] even smaller percentage of people cannot tolerate a super low dose [of] iodine, even when their selenium levels are normal, so that’s my experience there.

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