Chris Kresser: Let’s see here. Another question from the live call from Susan. “[For] someone with APOE, E34, what do you recommend for meat? This person also has high LDL and total cholesterol of 276. [The person] likes bulletproof coffee in the morning with grass-fed butter and brain octane.”
I just recorded a podcast with Dr. Tommy Wood from the University of Washington where we talk about the clinical relevance of single-nucleotide polymorphisms like MTHFR and FTO, and COMT, and also APOEa, so that’ll be out in a few weeks. I definitely encourage you to listen to that. The shorter version is these have been—the effects had been overstated, but that doesn’t mean that people don’t have differing responses to different diets. They absolutely do, and we’ll talk about this in a blood chemistry section.
With high LDL and bulletproof coffee, my guess is this person is a hyper-responder to saturated fat, or if their LDL cholesterol is high, and their LDLP, which you’ll learn how to test later, is also high, then that I would usually put that person on what I call a Mediterranean Paleo approach, which is more like reducing the overall amount of fat a little bit, certainly not low-fat, but reducing fat a little bit and then also favoring monounsaturated fats over saturated fat. Definitely no bulletproof coffee with half a stick of butter and MCT [medium-chain triglyceride] oil in the morning. It’s a little more complicated [than] that, but that’s the general idea.