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  4. For someone starting out, do you know [how] Chris grew his practice in the early days? What is the best way to source patients? I’m [having] a hard time sourcing patients [because they] can’t use insurance, [the] expense [is too high], [it] requires lifestyle modifications, etc.

For someone starting out, do you know [how] Chris grew his practice in the early days? What is the best way to source patients? I’m [having] a hard time sourcing patients [because they] can’t use insurance, [the] expense [is too high], [it] requires lifestyle modifications, etc.

Amy Nett: Sandy, “For someone starting out, do you know [how] Chris grew his practice in the early days? What is the best way to source patients? I’m [having] a hard time sourcing patients [because they] can’t use insurance, [the] expense [is too high], [it] requires lifestyle modifications, etc.”

One of the things you’re going to get access to, I think in a couple weeks, is going [to] be the Evergreen course. I mean, honestly, when we started out, I mean, I came along with Chris right after he published his first book ​The Paleo Cure. ​Right after that, he had such a long wait list. He needed to bring another clinician on. I think he grew his practice initially with his blog becoming so popular. And honestly, when I came on board, his book had just come out, and so I think he and I were both really full all day at CCFM. I think he’s pretty unique in terms of having the popularity of the blog, the podcast, etc., and he’s really focused a lot on the blog and that business aspect for bringing patients in. In Evergreen Audience that Keith Rhys teaches, again, Keith talks a lot about just blogging, putting content out there, finding your voice into doing something that you’re passionate about, but finding a way to share information with people so that they can relate to you and feel that you have a way to help them, to treat them. That’s their approach. For me, I would also say that any time I do a workshop, a talk, a day-long retreat or a multi-day retreat where I’m talking to patients about Functional Medicine, and for me, hormone replacement therapy is a pretty big one—if I talk to a group of women about hormone replacement therapy, that’s a great way to get people because they don’t necessarily know. Again, for hormone replacement therapy, it’s like people don’t know. They are still working off the memo from the early 2000s about “don’t take hormone replacement therapy,” but when you let them know, like, “Hey, there’s actually some pretty good data here. You might actually feel better. You might actually ward off some Alzheimer’s dementia, etc. I think getting out there and doing talks, finding people organically, and that’s more local. Chris definitely is getting patients from across the country, but that’s largely [through the] blog and podcast. I think that’s where a lot of his patients come from.

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