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  4. Do you see a role for LDN and/or CBD during CIRS treatment?

Do you see a role for LDN and/or CBD during CIRS treatment?

Dr. Amy Nett: That’s kind of a nuanced question. I think to get into that one, I’m probably going to leave it for when we do the one-off course. Low-dose naltrexone probably not, CBD maybe if you’re following, I mean but you have to remember if you’re following the straight Shoemaker protocol, Shoemaker would really say you need to follow his protocol and only that and not add anything else in, in addition to his protocol. So I think I’m going to defer this one for when we do, when we have a more structured CIRS teaching. It’s tricky. We’re still learning about it and it’s a great question. I don’t want to get in trouble with Dr. Shoemaker.

So Shoemaker suggests a ketogenic diet for CIRS. I don’t think he suggested ketogenic diet for everyone in chronic inflammatory response syndrome. So again I don’t know that I really want to get into the nuances of chronic inflammatory response syndrome this evening. There are some cases for ketogenic diet, but I don’t think it’s universally recommended for chronic inflammatory response syndrome. There are certain cases when it can be helpful, but I don’t use that for all of my patients. Again it’s only in certain patients where we’re having a difficult time and some of the markers aren’t moving. So I know CIRS treatment is tricky. So again, hopefully, we’ll do that as a one-off course coming up.

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