Chris Kresser: Next question from Megan, “Do you refer out to work with Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), or is it applied within your practice? How often have you applied this?”
Yes, we always refer out. The way it will generally work is if we think a patient will benefit from it, we’d tell them about it and then we have a chart part with a list of some books that we recommend and some introductory material to help them understand why it is relevant for them, and one thing in particular that’s important to communicate is being clear that we’re not suggesting that this is all in the patient’s head or that they’re just kind of, this is a psychosomatic illness because so many people have been told that over the years, and that’s not at all what DNRS is about, and it’s very easy for people to hear it that way, especially since they often have been told that their condition is all in their head. So we make all of that clear and then we refer them to either the DNRS seminars or the recordings, and then we also suggest that they work with the DNRS codes, which I think is very important, and people who do that tend to have much better results.