Chris Kresser: Question from Sandy, “Do you ever send a patient results from a test without a consult, i.e., if that result or additionally measured diagnostic comes after a case review, how do you handle an assessment fee?”
That’s a great question. Yes, we do sometimes do that. It depends, so let me see if I can think of an example. If the patient tested really low in iron, and we have him on a protocol and we just want to do an interim check, like four to six weeks, to see if their iron levels are going up with the protocol, but when those results come in, we might just briefly review them and send a note through the portal that says, “We got your iron results back; they’re coming up, [and] things are moving in the right direction, [so] just proceed.” So that’s a situation where we might do that and we don’t charge for that. If the lab result requires discussion, then we will ask the patient to schedule an appointment.
Okay, so let me go back to the top of the submitted questions. There [is an] unusually large number of questions today, which is great, but it means [we probably won’t get through them all in addition to the questions on the live call.