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  4. At what age would you look at Doctor’s Data stool test for children? Literature suggests gut microbiomes not formed until two to three years of age. So we would wait until then.

At what age would you look at Doctor’s Data stool test for children? Literature suggests gut microbiomes not formed until two to three years of age. So we would wait until then.

Chris Kresser:  Yes, great question and that’s true. I probably wouldn’t run a stool panel on a kid until they are at least three years old. I think before that we just don’t really know enough about what the microbiome is. However, I mean, we know that there shouldn’t really be parasites in the stool no matter what. So if you’re using it for parasite detection or detection of other frank pathogens like C. diff or Cryptosporidium, giardia, things like that, it can still be useful. But if you’re looking at just the native microbiome, yeah, we definitely would wait until three years old or up.

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