Tracey O’Shea: So the next one is “I have a one-off question. I have a patient on blood thinners, and he wanted to know if diet, nutrition, and lifestyle changes are enough to ever be able to come off the blood thinners. He has the Leiden V genetic clotting factor.”
I am not 100 percent sure about this question. I think this may kind of get more into, like, a specialty place, [for], I think, [a] hematologist or, like, a geneticist. I don’t know enough about the genetic clotting factor disorder to really give a great answer to this. I mean, I’m kind of in the camp of, like, give it a try. If there are probably some diet and nutrition pieces that could be incorporated into kind of the treatment plan, and then you would be tracking some of these clotting factors and some of the markers that are giving an indication, like, if you need less and less of [the] blood thinner, but I am sorry, Suzanne, I don’t have a great answer for that. It’s kind of out of my wheelhouse a little bit, but I wish you the best, and if you find answers for us, please feel free to share.