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  3. Are some dysbiotic organisms less responsive to herbal treatment, like ​Blastocystis hominis​, [which] typically require resorting to pharmaceuticals?

Are some dysbiotic organisms less responsive to herbal treatment, like ​Blastocystis hominis​, [which] typically require resorting to pharmaceuticals?

Chris Kresser: Next question from Ariel, “Are some dysbiotic organisms less responsive to herbal treatment, like ​Blastocystis hominis​, [which] typically require resorting to pharmaceuticals?”

Yes, that’s true. Blasto can be very difficult to treat and does sometimes require pharmaceuticals, and that’s true of other parasites, as well. That said, we have been successful, in many cases, [in] eradicating blasto with botanicals. It really depends on the patient. We usually start there because they’re generally better tolerated and there’s less of a downside.

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