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  3. Thyroid Disorders
  4. Immune system classification: Th1 cell-mediated versus Th2 humoral immunity bearing in mind the big picture—gluten intolerance, low vitamin D, blood sugar dysregulation, etc., can speak to autoimmune problems, Hashimoto’s and if you test to look for Th1 or Th2 dominance.

Immune system classification: Th1 cell-mediated versus Th2 humoral immunity bearing in mind the big picture—gluten intolerance, low vitamin D, blood sugar dysregulation, etc., can speak to autoimmune problems, Hashimoto’s and if you test to look for Th1 or Th2 dominance.

Chris Kresser: I don’t. I think that whole idea of Th1 and Th2 dominance has been kind of debunked at this point. There was a paper that was written about it 15 years ago now. I’m trying to find it, let’s see here.

Anyways, I’m not finding it right off the top, but the gist of it is that most autoimmune diseases are characterized by some combination of Th1 and Th2 dominance, and approaching it from that perspective, it’s rare that one is just stuck in one side of that system or the other. And then it’s really much more important to focus on Th3 cells, which are immunoregulatory cells. I don’t find that to be particularly helpful as a way of looking at things.

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