Chris Kresser: Okay, next question from Sandy, “Can you speak on the new stool test from Microbiome Labs? How it compares, etc?”
We evaluated it. We’re not choosing to use it right now for a number of reasons. It felt like the methodology that they’re using for the actual lab kit is not, after talking with a few Microbiome scientists, including Lucy Mailing, who has worked with me for several years who is an MD, PhD, who works in a Microbiome Lab, I think the University of Illinois was not a big fan of the methodology that is being used in the test. Some of the stuff that really gets down to [brass tacks about] the details of what’s being used (are they using the gold standard, recent quantitative PCR [polymerase chain reaction] metagenomics, whole genome sequencing, or are they using an inferior technology), and some of the stuff they have on their site and discussion of using primaries was a little confusing because in metagenomics and whole genome sequencing, there are no primaries that are used. So it is unclear whether they are actually doing metagenomics or they’re doing 16S sequencing with multiple overlapping primaries, which does improve accuracy at [the] species level, but it’s still 16S and not full metagenomics, which some of the newer companies like Viome and Onegevity are using and has a better technology.