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  3. For reducing cortisol and decreasing stress, can a single botanical such as magnolia be effective or even a single combination like Kavinace or HPA Balance rather than several botanicals together?

For reducing cortisol and decreasing stress, can a single botanical such as magnolia be effective or even a single combination like Kavinace or HPA Balance rather than several botanicals together?

Chris Kresser: Ariel asked, “For reducing cortisol and decreasing stress, can a single botanical such as magnolia be effective or even a single combination like Kavinace or HPA Balance rather than several botanicals together?”

Yes, for sure. Also, phosphatidylserine as a single nutrient can be helpful in reducing cortisol, for example, and we will frequently use that. In practice, you’ll find that typically blends work best because you’re using small amounts of different compounds that have synergistic effects. But in some cases, like in our practice, we definitely have patients that are super-sensitive to everything, and so we have to minimize the number of medicinals that we use, and using single medicinals is a good approach in that case.

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