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  4. I mentioned that music lowers cholesterol compared to DHEA. Is this a certain type of music or any music?

I mentioned that music lowers cholesterol compared to DHEA. Is this a certain type of music or any music?


Chris Kresser:  The therapeutic effects of music, the studies vary. Some studies suggest that only certain types of music have a beneficial effect. Other studies suggest that any type of music, provided it’s enjoyed by the person who is listening to it, causes that kind of effect. Just intuitively, I tend to lean towards the latter because I think what’s happened—the music itself is not what is having the effect. It’s the experience, the release of endorphins and other chemicals in our body that have the beneficial effect, and I would think that if a certain kind of music, even if it’s punk rock, has a positive association that leads to the release of those kinds of chemicals, then it might be beneficial.

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