Tracey O’Shea: “What is the best probiotic that does not have prebiotic in it that you would recommend for patients?”
I’m trying to think. Let’s see. I don’t know 100 percent. Let me just look here and see. I know a lot of people have trouble with prebiotics, and that’s kind of the issue. I don’t think that MegaSporeBiotic has prebiotic in it. I think that that’s just probiotics from what I can remember, and then also Primo Probiotic; let me just try to remember if Primo Probiotics have [it]. I would definitely stick with the, like, spore-based versions that maybe don’t have as much prebiotic fiber in them. I’m just looking right now at, oh, yes, the Primo Probiotic does have some prebiotic fiber in it, so MegaSporeBiotic may be your best bet from a perspective of trying to keep the prebiotic fibers out, and that’s what I would use. I also find that patients tolerate MegaSporeBiotic pretty well, especially if they’re sensitive to probiotics and prebiotics. The spore-based versions of the MegaSporeBiotic are, I think, the best place to start, at least from my clinical experience, so I wish I had, like, a long list of options. I know a lot of probiotic companies are adding prebiotic into them, so I would start with MegaSpore. Ther-Biotic Complete [is] another one that we use. I’d have to check again to see if there is any prebiotic in it, by Klaire Labs, let’s just take a look and see. Let me just look in right here and see. Yes, I don’t think Ther-Biotic Complete has any prebiotic in it. Just have like a polysaccharide complex, but that’s more for the integrity of the capsule, so Ther-Biotic Complete might be another; oh, there’s some inulin in this, so that might not be an issue if someone is not extremely sensitive, but you might have to just kind of check with your patient and kind of use your clinical judgment on how sensitive they are. [It] looks like there’s a little bit of inulin in the Ther-Biotic Complete, but I haven’t had anyone really respond too [badly] to that, so I hope that helps [to give] at least some guidance on that.