Chris Kresser: Next question from Liz, “Is it better to do [a] cortisol or Dutch test after a good night’s sleep?”
It’s best to do it after a normal night for the patient. Typically, we tell our patients to do it during the week. If they work during the week, do it on a normal work weekday and not on a weekend because then you’re going to see a different response on a weekend than you would see during the week for most people, and we also tell them that if they had an abnormally bad night [of] sleep, then don’t do it on that morning because the results would be skewed. If they have a typically bad night’s sleep, then do it that morning because that’s what you’re trying to assess. They don’t have to wait until they have an unusually good night of sleep if they don’t sleep well, which many people who you are ordering [for do] ___ [33:36] or don’t.