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  3. I’m working through Keith’s Evergreen audience program and brainstorming niche, as I’ll be working in a small town. I’m not sure that working with this specific group of patients, for example, gut would be feasible. [Are there] any other ways to develop a niche?

I’m working through Keith’s Evergreen audience program and brainstorming niche, as I’ll be working in a small town. I’m not sure that working with this specific group of patients, for example, gut would be feasible. [Are there] any other ways to develop a niche?

Chris Kresser: Next question from Gavin, “I’m working through Keith’s Evergreen audience program and brainstorming niche, as I’ll be working in a small town. I’m not sure that working with this specific group of patients, for example, gut would be feasible. [Are there] any other ways to develop a niche?”

Well, I’ll tell you a little secret, Gavin. I don’t have a niche. I didn’t develop a niche. I agree with Keith that that’s often the best way to do it, especially now, because I started my practice 10 years ago in a different time and environment, but a niche, for example, could be the real population of patients that you’re working with because you’re in that particular area. That’s a legitimate niche. It’s not one that you could kind of take onto an online platform because that’s a decidedly local practice, but if you really mostly want to practice in your local area, then I would agree with you, in this case, that you don’t need a specific niche. In some ways, Functional Medicine itself is a niche, right? It’s for people who are dissatisfied with the conventional care for their condition or are looking to get to the root cause and use diet and lifestyle, open to using diet, lifestyle, and behavior change to address it, so, in some cases, that may be enough.

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