Chris Kresser: Okay, next question from Gavin, “For a patient with IBD/IBS, how long do you use low-carb-specific diets? You mentioned glutathione being important in IBD, but we will need carbs to produce the electron donors NADPH to make glutathione. How do you reconcile this?”
Sometimes, in situations like this, so take someone who might need to be on a ketogenic diet for a period of time to address a health condition, and we’re concerned about the impact that might have on their gut flora long-term, we might use supplemental prebiotic fibers to address that. In this case, you might need to use supplemental glutathione to address it if they’re not able to manufacture as much with carbohydrates, so that’s sometimes how we have to think about these situations. Again, we are often dealing with the ideal versus what’s possible clinically.