The FeGGT LifePro™ GGT Score

The FeGGT LifePro™ GGT score is a scoring system for evaluating your risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disease based on established risk factors and key blood markers. It is predicated on a large body of evidence showing that numerous diseases and medical conditions develop when both iron and GGT are in the upper-normal range and above. For more information on the FeGGT LifePro™ risk score, visit

Step 4: Evaluate your risk

Note: If your GGT score was 35–50 U/L or above (men) or 35–45 U/L (pre-menopausal women) or 33–45 U/L (post-menopausal women), and either 1) your serum ferritin was 150–300 ng/mL (men), 80–120 ng/mL (pre-menopausal women), or 125–175 ng/mL (menopausal women); and/or 2) your transferrin saturation levels were 55–65%, an additional 2 points were automatically added to your FeGGT LifePro™ GGT score. Studies have shown that individuals with both high iron and high GGT levels are at greater risk of chronic disease and early death, even if their baseline risk scores are normal.

Please share your final score with your clinician and discuss strategies for reducing it.

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